08 8975 9844
Hello everyone and welcome to Namultja Aboriginal Corporation. This is where you will find our new website but for now the website is under construction.
We are very excited and proud to be involved in launching our new organisation, Namultja Aboriginal Corporation, which will be working with Marra people to service the Marranballa Land and Sea Rangers.
Our country stretches along the coast and inland in the Limmen Bight area of the western Gulf of Carpentaria. Together Marra are working with our partners as we build our capacity and resources working to achieve our vision of getting Marra People onto and geared up to look after our country.
Please visit this page again soon to learn more about us and our work.
Please feel free to email namultja@namultja.org.au if you wish to get in touch with us.
Yours sincerely,
David Barrett
Namultja Aboriginal Corporation